Friday, October 26, 2012

Thank Goodness for Family

Crazy is as Crazy Does - And Thankful for it! 

Left to right - Sean, Lani, Norma (Lani's Mom), Valentina (Lani's lil Sis), Dan (Lani's Dad)

"Awesome party last night, so happy to be a part of it all!! Congrats!!! Your parents are LEGIT."

That post from a friend pretty much sums up how we felt about our engagement party. :) It turned out phenomenal!

It never could have happened without the love & support of my family. With my parents' party expertise (they've been throwing INFAMOUS shindigs since before I could walk) and my sister's flair for the creative while still keeping things (and me) in order - helped Sean and I put on a fantastic event. 

We could never thank them enough for all that they did, have done, and will continue to do. I was blessed to be born into an insanely wack-a-do family who loves one another unconditionally. And I know that Sean is stoked to join the Wong Tribe too. 

* Thank you to my (and Sean's now too) Mom, Dad, & Sister (who live in So Cal while we live in Nor Cal) for everything you did and everything you will do. We LOVE you more than a fat kid loves candy! *

My Epiphany: Weddings aren't just events, they are occasions of LOVE (yes sappy I know) that bring people TOGETHER - whether that be friends or family. I think that this experience is going to be nutso, but I'll treasure all of the moments that I get to spend with Sean, my friends, the Wedding Party, and ultimately my FAMILY.

"In truth, a family is what you make it." - Not sure who said this, but I am happy to live by this rule. :)

<3 Lani

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