Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankful for All the Smiles

Giving Thanks to Family, Friends, and My Geeky Life

"I just have to share a 'Being Grateful' moment.

After looking through the pics of the Engagement Party, (which was EPIC) & glimpsing at other photo albums here on facebook, I can't help but to smile from ear to ear (& even well up a little). I am grateful for each and every person in my life and for the moments I've shared with each and every one of you!

My life is rich with SMILES and that to me makes me RICH IN LIFE. Money & things come and go - but the laughter, the memories, and the smiles...bring true happiness to me. I Love you all. Thank you for making 2012 an amazing year and for joining me on this adventure called life. XOXO"

This was last week's facebook post in honor of the thankful season. And after seeing so many "Grateful Day" posts and having some time to think about it I figured I'd blog and share what I'm most grateful about.

My Crazy A$$ Family

Family at my 26th Bday party - they had surprised me by driving up from  So Cal!

Valentina and I

I may not have an endless bank account, but I do have an endless amount of fantabulous memories. :) Some people only have "childhood" memories of their family, but my memories continue to grow with me. I <3 spending any amount of time with my parents, (who are some of the most amazing people - and which many of you can attest to), and when we do it is spent in continuous laughter and smiles!

Now throw in my spitfire little sister (who will always be my partner in crime) and you've got, the Wong Tribe of the West!

I will never be able to thank my family for all they've done and continue to do for me. Our love for one another knows no bounds. As nutso as my family has driven me (and will in the future) I know too many people who don't have relationships AT ALL with their family. I am blessed to come from such a loving family.

*If you ever want to hear tales of intrigue, adventure, evil bees, dangerous toboggan stunts, hilarious pranks & more just go ahead and ask me - I have TONS*
Just 1 of our many themed xmas/holiday cards

My Fab Friends

I've been lucky enough to meet some of the most incredible people from all around the world - and all just as crazy (or crazier) as I am!

Collage created via facebook app

I recognize that each person I have met and interacted with in my life has helped to shape and form me into the person I am today - a person I am proud to share with the rest of the world. So thank you to ALL of YOU for being a part of my life.

(Just to add I am also thankful for the people who weren't always the "nicest" to me, for those moments were some of the most important molding experiences to make me the beautiful person - I believe - I am)

Gungnam Style friends at our Engagement Party

*If you find these hilarious then we have a bond ;) *

So did you laugh? :D

A SUPER Wedding Party

Top to bottom/left to right/B for Bridal/G for Grooms: Rico/B, Kerilyn/B, Dustan/G, Matt/G, Valentina/B(Maid of Honor), Dave/G, Jay-J/G, Gordon/B, Melissa/G(Best Woman), Scott/B, Stephanie/B (Not shown: Christina/B, Ryan/G, DeMarco/G)   

Sean and I mulled over who we wanted to have join our Wedding League of America - do we need 2 heroes each? 3? 25? After perusing resumes via facebook profiles - JUST KIDDING - I believe our epic team of FOURTEEN will do our wedding justice!

I thank all of you for joining us in this insane adventure to defeat the all mighty Wedding Monster and all it's minions!

This is what I envision LOL

My Career/Job

A week before Thanksgiving my boss told me that the paper work to convert me from a temp position to a permanent position was being processed! WOO! 

I have had an interesting path when it comes to jobs/careers. Retail, children's theater instructor, children's public speaking instructor, curriculum developer, office manager, actress, theater marketing manager, Stanford public speaking instructor for engineers, and my current position as Social Media Marketing Specialist in the world of Semiconductor IP. 

I also have to pat myself on the back as I've stayed pretty close to my degrees! I graduated with a B.S. in Advertising and a Minor in Theater. :D

Never thought I'd end up in Social Media, but it totally makes sense now after the fact. I love all things COMMUNICATION, and social media marketing is about learning and adapting to new forms of communication. Super thankful that after a year as a full-time temp my boss saw something special about me. Very grateful to have such a great boss and team. 

My team at a convention called DAC 

My Future Husband/Geeky Other Half

I can't believe I'm getting married. Especially to a man who I not only love, but look up to and aspire to be more like at times. Sean has overcome so many things in his life that I find it hard to believe that he is still standing, let alone capable of loving me as much as he does. It is remarkable.

Putting aside all our geeky things in common and the fact that we're attracted to one another, Sean did something that not many people are willing to do - he fought for me.

After an insane "Sex and the City" type break up (no joke, Carrie Bradshaw had NOTHING on me) I joined TEAM SINGLE. My one catch was that no matter how amazing (or hot) a person seemed/was, they'd have to take the time to win me over. In other words, I was putting up a fight! 

And Sean (who was Amazing & Hot) went a whole 10 ROUNDS with me! Lol! Question is who knocked out who? Hm...

Riddick visited this Wondercon booth babe
From showing up to Wondercon dressed as Riddick, bragging about me to his friends, playing video games that I BEAT him at, accepting my "take it slow" attitude, and more, he proved that he was at least worth my efforts and time. ;)

But it wasn't all fun and games for I literally attempted to find reasons to stop dating poor Sean. And there he was just giving me more reasons to stay and fall head over heels for him.

Now with Sean's mini me (who was 2 yrs old at the time) entering the picture towards the beginning of our relationship I thought for sure I was going to split like a banana. Instead I put down my judgements and opened my heart and mind to a child who only wanted to be loved and deserved love.

A Geeky Family at the SJ Ren Faire

Even my family fell in love with Sean before I was ready to admit I was completely bonkers for him. My sister literally adopted him the second she met him! LOL

One thing that made me fall for Sean more than any box of chocolates can of pringles and flowers new video game could, was the day he saved THE mouse. 

Outside of Sean's old job I saw a little mouse lying out in the open breathing heavily. I was so worried for the mouse's well being that after I told Sean he just calmly went outside, scooped up the stunned mouse, gave it a once over for injuries, told it that it'd be OK, pet it's head, and placed the mouse back into a grassier area hidden from predators and shoes. 

My heart melted right then and there. He doesn't know this, but I nearly cried that day - well I guess he will now. :)

And the rest is history. We're happy, in love, and getting married in a flurry of colors and geekery!

I love you Sean Bassett. And I'm more than proud to have you, the one who fought for me, as my future husband. You are nothing short of amazing. XOXO

How it looks to all of you

How it feels to us

Stereotypical Holiday TIP:

Be thankful for what you do have & make sure to let those around you know you are thankful! Seriously! 



Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Geeky Thanksgiving

Get Your Gobble Giggle On!

Here are a few cartoons & geeky images that make me laugh at this holiday! 
(As for a blog post full of those things called words, that's coming soon)

Happy Thanksgiving

A perfect JLA Thanksgiving!

So when's Big Bird getting here?




Now...let's EAT! 

Enjoy stuffing your faces!

- Lani

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let's ALL Equally Plan Some Weddings!

You Too Have the Right to Get Married & Deal with Planning this $***

As a young multi-ethnic professional woman, who has a multi-ethnic fiance (who owns a small business), with MANY MANY MANY LGBTQ friends/family I obviously voted for - Romney/Ryan 2012JUST KIDDING! 

We did it!

Of course I supported the GOBAMA campaign, but boy was this past election day a nail biter! Thankfully our nation's new and well informed generations were there at the polls! Not only did Obama get re-elected, but FOUR states have won the fight on marriage equality! 

Marriage equality was 1 of many good things to come out of this election!

It has always baffled me why some people feel that other people's love could affect their own lives. Now that this country has taken some serious steps forward in marriage equality I am happy to greet my LGBTQ friends with open arms to... WEDDING PLANNING HELL! MWAHAHAHAHA!

I mean COME ON! How could wedding planners, businesses, registries everywhere not rally together sooner to support gay marriage? They're going to make a killing! If my geeky wedding is going to be an amazing and beautiful thing, just imagine all your gay friends' weddings!

Lol this is pretty much going to be my wedding - except with video game tie ins... :D

Good luck to all of you - I'm so glad you will soon get to battle "The Wedding" monster alongside of me and go just as crazy while doing it! Here, have an extra 1up!

Points to you if you hear the sound bite while looking at this image!

My Thoughts on Marriage Equality: DO IT! Let's make this a national phenomenon, that way I can attend some of the most FABULOUS weddings EVER!

To my friends/family who DESERVE Marriage Equality: Your time will come where we can all laugh & cry as you recite your beautiful vows in front of us. And then we'll eat & drink the night away until the wedding planners/venue have to kick us out. Mwa. :) 

- Lani